I'm slowly but surely going thru the Tony Robbins Get The Edge program.  Those who have access to my personal blog will be able to keep up2date on my journey.  Please feel free to leave a comment, and if I so desire, I will allow you access as well. 

None the less, I came across a blog post by IMM about how Auto Following is basically killing twitter.  It used to be "the thing" to auto follow others on Twitter ... and this isn't the first post of its kind on this subject.  I feel there is a distinct "scaling down" as such happening with Tweeple (people who use Twitter).  

People are now wanting quality not quantity.  

Yes there is software you can install to filter out all crap except the small handful of people you actually want to listen to, but if you’re not going to be reading the other ten thousand people, why bother following them in the first place?  (source)

My best guess is this auto-following came about because ("back in the day when Twitter wasn't mainstream") it was risky to have an account where hundreds/thousands followed you however you didn't follow many back. It wasn't unheard of where those accounts would be deleted by Twitter as the "ratio" of followers and those following was out of whack.

Unless that was a myth and I have it all wrong?

(I do also realise marketers had some influence in the whole "auto follow" belief as well.)

None the less, over the next month or three I'm going to try to focus on quality as well. 

It's going to take awhile as I do have four "personalities" on twitter. 

How many people do you actually really follow on Twitter?  

Will you be scaling back and focusing on quality (following those who you actually DO want to follow)?