This post is inspired by Chris Brogan's twitter related blog post I read earlier today.
I will quote the section written by the blog author that has inspired me:
I use Twitter as a communications platform. I don’t use it to microblog. Instead of answering the question “What are you doing?”, I answer the question, “What has your attention?” It’s much more fun to answer. I also reply 75-80% of the time in my stream. (Meaning: if you search, you’ll see that most of any page is @ messages.)
Sometimes, I just talk back and forth because that’s a good touchpoint with the folks who want to know me better.
Other times, I promote products, people, services, things that I think are cool. I don’t do it for money. That’s my friend, Ted’s company. I just like promoting good/interesting things. I promote my stuff, too. I do it at about a 12:1 ration (12 them, 1 me).
I use Twitter to learn about other people. I also use it to “look over your shoulder,” if I have to do business with you. Meaning, if I’m going to call Lisa Horner from Citrix Online, I will check out @lisahorner first to see what’s going on, so I know what I’m walking into.
I use Twitter Search before I visit a city, and when I’m in the city, so that I know who’s who in the local scene, and so that I get a sense of WHERE people are hanging out. This kind of info is like mind-reading, and/or it’s a great way to get a leg up on where you’re going from the on-the-ground locals. (try it!)
I ask questions on Twitter all the time. I *love* the human-powered web these days. I don’t ask Google much. I ask Twitter. Why? Because you’re smarter.
Chris. This is how I have developed on Twitter as well! My main account ( @goldcoastgirl ) is where I am active the most. Where I am "me" to a fault. Some of my other accounts are less interactive and more focused (less personal yet still has "me" in them in a lesser capacity).
There is a still a part of me that does "micro blog" on Twitter. Why? Easy! One of my "micro blog" posts might inspire a conversation. At the same time, my feed is now filled up with answers to the question "What has my attention?" more than "What am I doing?".
I'm also similar to Chris in that I promote products, people, services, things that I think are cool. Sometimes I do it for ego (vote for me!!!), money and just because I thought others might benefit (it was interesting thus a "non for profit" promotion).
When on Twitter, not only do I learn about other people ... I learn about the world. I usually connect better (more personally) with people on Facebook, in my opinion. Twitter is more global. It is more noisy thus my connections are not as deep.
Do I ask Twitter questions? Hell yeah! Here are a few examples today:
what is your opinion about the event being a V8 event now not a V8 and A1GP event? me? NOT A FAN as it is going to (cont)
#HELP Seesmic Desktop vs Tweetdeck ? Which gets your vote and why ?
(still need HELP on that question btw!)
TWEETIE FOR MAC (NOT iPHONE) #HELP !! How do I block people and/or report them for spam not just stop following them ?
(and still need HELP on the above question too!)
In the end, "the human powered web" that Chris talks about is rather awesome and cool. This is why I adore Twitter. This is what I do with Twitter.
Do I still use Google? Of course! Just that alongside a search on Google, I'll usually see if one of my tweeps (twitter followers) might be able to be of assistance ?
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