I am devouring a website I came across a little while ago called Flying Solo. As I am a self employed person in my own solo enterprise as well as working in a micro enterprise I am finding this website wonderful!
I'm posting about one of the videos in particular.
In the video there is a list of "do not" do this and that. Due to my "early childhood training", I learnt that when you speak to a child and you want it to do something.. start with "Do X" not "Don't do X". Example: Walk with the scissors works a lot more successfully with children than "Do not run with the scissors". Serious. I've done this many times in my life and seen the instant results.
None the less, I am going to create a "DO" list to balance the "DO NOT" list in the video:
Start with getting to know the other person. What is their business and interests? Then introduce yourself and your business.
Be open minded. You never know where your next opportunity or best connections will be born. For instance, you might find your next big client at the swimming pool where you take your child for swimming lessons. Also, never under-estimate who the person you meet knows in their social circles.
Be "present". Listen. Pay attention to what the person is saying. Be in the "now" with your interaction.
Follow up with the connections you made. Block time out in your day or week for following up, engaging and connecting.
Think long term. Networking is about the bigger picture not the "here and now". Do not expect instant results.
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