We have all heard the saying “Time heals all wounds.” But, that is little solace for
the person experiencing the pain of the wound RIGHT NOW.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a way to “fast forward” past the pain? Just press a
button and speed up time to a point where we feel more balanced and rational.

While I don’t have a magical button for you to press, I do have The Fast Forward

The Fast Forward Technique has many uses, but one of the best is for getting over
the pain of loss. If you commit to performing this three times a day at least, you will be

STEP 1: Feel whatever it is you are feeling and notice how and where you feel it. For
example many people feel emotional hurt in their chest or heart (that is why it is called
heart break). But, that may or may not be true for you. Now just focus on your feeling
and ask yourself silently or aloud the following:

Can I allow this feeling?


Can I welcome this feeling?

And then answer. It doesn’t matter if it is a Yes or No.

STEP 2: Ask “Could I let this feeling go?” Again, a Yes or No is

STEP 3 Ask “Would I let this feeling go?”

STEP 4 Ask “When?”

STEP 5 Now examine the feeling again. Does it feel different? Did you feel a shift? The
shift is different for everyone, but is a sign of small healing. You want to feel how your
feeling has changed and repeat steps 1 thru 5.

The Fast Forward Technique should not be a struggle. In fact, it will usually feel quite
warm and soothing.

You will want to do 2 or 3 sessions a day. One session may be 5 or 6 repetitions or more
through the 5 steps.

Also, let me let you in on a little secret. I have used The Fast Forward Technique for
many things including managing my feelings about:

 Quitting smoking
 Dealing with “snack attacks”
 Writers Block
 Getting over my father’s death
 Sticking with my workout program
 Major arguments with my wife

The Fast Forward Technique and I are old friends and I hope that by introducing you to
each other, you will reap a lifetime of benefits as well.