Yesterday I finally got the inspiration to do something with my "Zhetarn" page:
At first I was going to go with a blog.. then decided.. no.. I wanted it to be more of a sales page.. now the next morning I've given it more thought and have decided to make it strictly a sales page with access to me elsewhere on the internet.
Tho' I do plan to update the top portion of it with whatever I find inspiring for that day.
I'll make this my blog where I speak about my journey (highs and lows) as a solo-entrepreneur aka "solo-preneur" as well as other randomness.
So this is blog is now 1/3 personal, 1/3 entertainment (aka "randomness") and 1/3 anything to do with being your own boss (especially the role and use of social media in business).
Right now it is personal.
I am also asking publicly for your opinions on the webpage (not website just webpage) as I continue to tweak and improve it.